Skateboard Cafe, Lost Art & Slam City Skates with Andy Makepeace | Brain Drain Show #51
Brain Drain Episode 51 with Toby Batchelor & Forde Brookfield 🧠
In this episode we sit down with one of Bristols finest, Andrew Makepeace for a three hours to discuss his history of skateboarding, living in Bristol, his history and working for @rocksoliddistribution, @keendist & Route One, starting @skateboardcafe with Rich Smith buying @slamcityskates86 @slamcitylondon & Lost Art filming for Bristols Finest, the OG’s and newcomers in the Bristol scene, moving to Oxford, being blind in one eye, conspiracy theories and much more!
- Presenters: Toby Batchelor @tobybatchelor & Forde Brookfield
- Edited by: Forde Brookfield @bagheadcrew
- Producer: Frazer Murphy @dontfollowfrazer
- Title animations: Mike Wright @michael_k_wright_design
- Theme tune: Shaun Hancock @shaunofthesad